If you get a new SBI ATM card, you need to activate it and generate the PIN number before using it for the first time.
Without activating a debit card, you cannot use the card to withdraw money or shop.
In order to activate a SBI ATM card and to generate PIN, there are a few methods, which mostly require you to visit the nearest ATM.
But SBI has recently introduced an IVR method to activate your SBI ATM card – and you don’t have to visit the ATM to generate your PIN number.
In today’s video I explain the steps involved in this IVR method of activating your SBI ATM card, and setting its PIN number.
How to do SBI ATM PIN generation yourself? | SBI ATM PIN generate பண்ணுவது எப்படி?
SBI ATM PIN generation issues and the solutions | SBI ATM PIN generationல வர்ற Issues
How To Activate SBI ATM Card And Generate PIN? SBI Debit Card Unboxing And ATM Pin Generation Demo
How To Quickly Block SBI Debit Card Using IVR Method? Block ATM Card And Order Replacement By Phone
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