Having knowledge about bank holidays for any given month is a necessity if you want to perform banking tasks either regularly, or have plans for any occasion. Also, bank holidays are usually not widespread across all of the country except for the major holidays. Some bank holidays are in specific states/regions and hence if you are not aware of those holidays, your banking … [Read more...] about Full List Of Bank Holidays In January 2024
bank holidays
November 2023 Bank Holidays in India
November is a festive month in India, with many holidays celebrating various religious and cultural occasions. As a result, banks in India will be closed for several days in November 2023. Let's see the list of all bank holidays in India during November 2023, state-wise. Please note that this list is based on the latest information available from the Reserve Bank of India … [Read more...] about November 2023 Bank Holidays in India
April 2023 Bank Holidays: State-Wise List of 15 Days Banks Will Be Closed
As of April 1, 2023, the start of the next fiscal year, there will be significant changes in the banking schedule that customers should be aware of. In particular, individuals should take note of the bank holidays in April 2023 and make arrangements for their bank visits accordingly, bearing in mind that holidays vary depending on the state in which they reside. During … [Read more...] about April 2023 Bank Holidays: State-Wise List of 15 Days Banks Will Be Closed
RBI’s New Notice: Banks Must Keep Branches Open Till End of Financial Year
March is a month of mixed emotions. For many, it signals the end of winter, and the beginning of the beautiful spring season. However, for banks and financial institutions, March means the end of the financial year. With the annual closing of accounts scheduled for March 31, banks are required to complete all necessary work. In light of this, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) … [Read more...] about RBI’s New Notice: Banks Must Keep Branches Open Till End of Financial Year